Monday, August 9, 2010

"Little Princesse's "

hi! i hope you've noticed the new blog change! if you haven't, you might want to get your eyesight checked.... my amazing new blog design was done by Amanda at Farmgirl Writes!!! you should definitely check out her blog and blog design company!

today i took some pictures of 3 very pretty girls! my 2 sisters and their best friend katie. they dressed up in ballet costumes and tiara's! i hope you enjoy!!!!


  1. They are so pretty! I thought it was funnny that the costume the girl in the first picture is wearing is our page costume in Nutcracker!


  2. Oh, your new look is AMAZING!! It's gorgeous -- I love it! :)

  3. LOVE the new look, Amanda!!!!!
    Those pictures are adorable. :)

    With blessings,
