Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

This is the first post I am writing, officially, with a broken foot. You heard me - yes, I did say broken. How did my foot break? Well, dear friends, that's a L-O-N-G story...

So, I'm at camp. When I hear a sudden popping noise. Get this? It's my foot. (Ow!) Well, this popping was not new - I had already heard it once, 2 weeks ago, while walking down the hill at one of my friends' houses. My flip flop rolled under me and, at the same time that I am biting my tongue to keep from screaming in pain (oh, alright, I'll admit it - I was getting nervous. A LOT. But anyway.) A few days later, at summer camp, I was running and I heard my foot pop... OUCH! Turns out its fractured! I'm gonna be ok though!

On a happier note, I have a few pictures from camp!

With a little assistance from Elizabeth Rose !!!


  1. *giggles* This was fun... we should do it more often! :)

  2. yes! you can totally tell its you though!!!

  3. OMG!! Are you still going to be able to dance??? I'm so sorry!! But great pics!! :)

  4. I am so sorry about your foot! I will be praying for your healing!

    When I went to church camp this summer we were climbing down some rocks to get into the creek. The rocks were slick because because had been climbing up, so they were soaking wet. I ended up tripping and my foot got stuck in a hole between two of the rocks. When I pulled my foot out, I was missing a quarter of my big toe tail. Ouch!

    For having an injured foot, you have amazing pictures!


  5. Kira said..
    Hee hee thats kinda ironic! Breaking your foot at a barefoot camp...
    SOO sorry your hurt though!

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