Monday, April 26, 2010

I've Been Awarded!

Guess what! I've recieved my first award! Thanks so much Hannah from Find That Creative Spark!! I'm really excited!

 Also in case any of you were wondering, I've decided to drop the contest until later :( But the good news is this! I decided to wait until I have 15 followers to have my contest. So you guys can help me reach that goal! Please post my buttons and tell your friends!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

" So Jump Than Fall"

We got a  trampoline! I had so much fun taking pictures of me and my sisters!



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cool Editing Site!

Hi there! I found this awesome website called Picnik where you can edit photo's! It has so many cool features! check it out! here are some pictures i've edited!

I have only my eye in color! one of my favorite tools on picnik!

                                     My friend natalie's eye, i focased in on it and made the rest blurry!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wish Me Luck!!!

Today i'm presenting a exhibit on photography in nature! I'm really nervous but excited too! I'll post later to tell you how it went. Thanks! Enjoy these new pictures!



Thursday, April 1, 2010